Monday, September 1, 2014

Remembering information

In the "olden days", from the medieval period (before and after, until recently); Correspondences, Brews,  Oils, Incense recipes, and everything in between, was orally transmitted from one person to the other. During the "witch craze", if you had a grimiore, book of mirrors, or anything related to writing magickal information in a book, that was more proof that you were a witch. And the punishment, more often then not, was death.

The reason I bring this up, is because I have an information book. Of things I find interesting, Correspondences, and other tie bits. I have  hand written every page (except one), and want to make it more decorative/vintage. At the same time, I want to remember it (information and suchlike), by memory. Like it used to be.

Yes, having a book is great. But it is my personal opinion, that you are not always going to have your book on hand, no matter how portable it is. I know I don't. And I do get questions, about correspondences, what herbs or colors are good for such and such, ect. So, how does one remember?
Well, I use chants, rhymes, poetry or anything else I can think of. For example, did you know that the song "Ring around the Rosie" is a folksong about the black plague. There is an article, here.

But I am also wondering what helps you? Do you absolutely have to write it down and keep it in a book. Can you remember it "off the top of your head" and recall it from memory. And if so, how do YOU accomplish this? Tell me in the comments below!

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