Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to spot a fake

Now, this post isn't necessarily on the old ways, but it is about psychics. Now, I do believe that you do not need a Psychic to talk to your ancestors, or to remove a curse or put a spell on someone for you. You, as a powerful individual; can do that yourself. You can also, divine your own cards (future) if you like. Though you may not always like what you "see and read". But remember, that the future always, changes. Nothing is set in stone. Regardless of whether you go to a Psychic or do this (readings and the like) as a "living". I think it is important to learn how to spot a charlatan.

Why? Well there are many reasons, I'll list a couple here. The big kahuna is:

1) The so called "psychic" can steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from you. By say things like "You have a curse on you, and only I can remove it." or " I can help you talk to your dead relations, and help you through the grieving process."

2) You can do most of the things that Psychics can do, with a little research and help from a fellow (reliable) cunning man/woman. Now I am in NO way advocating that ONLY a cunning man/woman can "put a spell, remove a curse, talk to the dead, ect" What I am saying, is that with help and guidance, you can do it YOURSELF. The cunning man/woman is only there to help guide your way and show you, that you can indeed talk to your relations (ect). And, that you don't need anyone else to talk to them for you.

Now, i found a video, and while I do agree with a lot of the statements that the video is talking about. I do not agree with all of them. But I think it gives you a "good starting point". Here is the video, let me know if you agree or not and why.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


When we talk about ancestors, what comes to mind. Bloodline, right? Well in the old ways, we honor and work with them. They are very important, to this practice. How? you say. Well lets get one thing straight. When we refer to ancestors, we are not just talking about your bloodline, but we are also referring to the pre-christian ancestors. The ancestors of our species, and those yet to come. 
We "call" on them everytime we lay a compass, we "use" them to tap the bone (to get information or lore), we go to them for guidance/wisdom, for energy, and protection. 

**They will always be there, with you. Because they care about you.**

So, how do we honor them? By giving thanks/reverence. By giving them offerings, lighting a candle or bonfire for them. And having an alter, or even talking to them, and treating them like they are (still) apart of the family.

What, goes on an alter, you ask. Well this depends on the cunning man/woman. But the "basics" as far as I am concerned are: 

* A white cloth on top of your table/alter set aside just for them.
* A white candle
* a clear glass of water
* offerings (food or drink)

the rest is up to you, however if you want to put pictures of them on the alter, make sure there are no living relations in them. 

To end this post, here is a picture I found on the internet, this "illustrates" a "basic" alter set up. Though, the picture has more candles, but I think you get the idea. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

Ok, yes I know. I just quoted Wizard of OZ. But this brings up a very good topic. A lot of Traditional Witches, do not believe in good or black magick. They believe magick is magick. And I have to say I agree. Because, to me its about intent. Magick does not know of good and evil, because magick is the manipulation if energy to bring about change, that is necessary. And not desired. What do I man by this? Well, say you want to banish someone who is hurting themselves or others, is that desired or necessary? I'll let you decide. But I hope that makes my point a little clearer.

To illustrate my point on "good witch or bad witch" I point you, to this beautifully written post by Derek (of Derek's magick).

So, what are your thoughts? Do you agree with Derek and I, or not, and why? Leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Laying a Compass Round.

Laying a Compass, in some way is like laying a circle in Wicca. But there are a lot of differences. For one, the Crafter has the choice of whether or not, they want to lay one. Two, compasses are more for protection, than anything. But they have other "uses". Like awakening the powers of the place in question. And, creating a sort of channel between what we can see and not see. The compass, also acts as a tool to help the Crafter navigate their path. Whether it be as simple as doing a spell, trance work, speaking with the ancestors or other spirits ect. With Wicca, circles are more to protect the witch, make the land sacred, and hold the energy raised inside; until the energy is raised enough to be released. Three, when visualizing, you are envisioning a sphere or bubble. Not just a simple circle. To illustrate what I mean, I refer you to:

which I got at the following blog.

Its also, an excellent article! And I highly encourage you to read it.

So, how do you lay a compass. Well, this to depends on the Tradition or Crafter, in question. Some outline it with stones. Some use candles. Others use what is called, a witches cord, or sacred girdle. While other Crafters use one of the following (or many) chalk, herbs, ash from incense, a staff, stang, knife, even cheerios! I know, I know, this still doesn't tell you how to lay one. Well, I have found a video explaining how this particular Crafter, does this. Mind you, this is how he does this, and this is not by any means, the one and only way to lay one. But it does give you an idea.

As for me, I like to keep it simple. I take my chosen implement, and plow (or outline) the earth (or area). While doing this, I imagine a bubble or sphere above, around, and below me. There are words I say, sometimes. But these are personal, and I don't write them down. Because they come to me intuitively or from my heart. Until next time, I hope this has helped you.

Brightest Blessings!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I, Lady of Morgana, welcome you with open arms. And I invite you to read, not only about me, but of my Craft. I am not Wiccan, I am a Cunning-woman, or Crafter of the old ways (and I will explain more about this, later.) I am in no way saying that other practices or religions, are not going to learn something. They indeed, may. But all I ask is an open heart and mind, to what I write. For what I write, is of my own opinion, or experiences.

Being, that I am a Cunning woman, I consider myself, a rare oddity indeed. For most (but not all Crafters) are not called by a Deity. I, however, was chosen by The Morrigan, herself. For she, chooses you. Not the other way around.

You may indeed be asking, what is the difference between Wicca and the Old ways. Well, for me, Wicca is more of a religion. Where the old ways are more of a practice. Allow me to explain. With Wicca, if you want to cast a spell, you first must draw a circle of protection and invite the gods and elements. To me, circle casting is done, everytime you want to do a spell.

Also, Wiccans follow rules, or redes. Like, the threefold law, And it harm none, do what thou wilt. Wiccans, I think are more hesitant to hex or curse someone, this is of course, just my opinion. They also typically believe in a Deity, whether it be a Lord and Lady, Morrigan, Dagda, Juno, Apollo ect.

With the Old ways,  its more, going with your intuition/gut. Yes, we cast circles (called compasses) but we don't have to cast them, everytime. For we believe that nature (everywhere) is already sacred, you do not have to make it sacred, for it already is.

Crafters, may or may not have laws or rules. But these are more personal, if they have them. And a lot of Crafters do not believe in the threefold law, and it harm none, or even karma, for that matter. Crafters, are not afraid to hex or curse someone. They WILL NOT hesitate. A lot of Crafters, (but not all), do not have a Deity. They do however pay respects and homage to local spirits.

There are also some similarities, like using herbs, candles, cord or knot magic, crystals, energy healing, spells, and even some tools.

Wiccans have a butt load of tools, too many to list. We would be here forever! But the "basics" are:
Besom (Broom)
Book of Shadows
Spell items

Crafters on the other hand, as far as "basics" are:
Blasting rod (more for hexes, as I understand it)
Besom (Broom)
Compass (if desired)
Spell items

Mind you, this is just some of the Differences and Similarities, as I know them to be, in my opinion. Each of us, is different. And, we all have our own personal way of practicing. I hope this has helped you, and until next time. Brightest Blessings!