Wednesday, July 23, 2014


When we talk about ancestors, what comes to mind. Bloodline, right? Well in the old ways, we honor and work with them. They are very important, to this practice. How? you say. Well lets get one thing straight. When we refer to ancestors, we are not just talking about your bloodline, but we are also referring to the pre-christian ancestors. The ancestors of our species, and those yet to come. 
We "call" on them everytime we lay a compass, we "use" them to tap the bone (to get information or lore), we go to them for guidance/wisdom, for energy, and protection. 

**They will always be there, with you. Because they care about you.**

So, how do we honor them? By giving thanks/reverence. By giving them offerings, lighting a candle or bonfire for them. And having an alter, or even talking to them, and treating them like they are (still) apart of the family.

What, goes on an alter, you ask. Well this depends on the cunning man/woman. But the "basics" as far as I am concerned are: 

* A white cloth on top of your table/alter set aside just for them.
* A white candle
* a clear glass of water
* offerings (food or drink)

the rest is up to you, however if you want to put pictures of them on the alter, make sure there are no living relations in them. 

To end this post, here is a picture I found on the internet, this "illustrates" a "basic" alter set up. Though, the picture has more candles, but I think you get the idea. 

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