Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Laying a Compass Round.

Laying a Compass, in some way is like laying a circle in Wicca. But there are a lot of differences. For one, the Crafter has the choice of whether or not, they want to lay one. Two, compasses are more for protection, than anything. But they have other "uses". Like awakening the powers of the place in question. And, creating a sort of channel between what we can see and not see. The compass, also acts as a tool to help the Crafter navigate their path. Whether it be as simple as doing a spell, trance work, speaking with the ancestors or other spirits ect. With Wicca, circles are more to protect the witch, make the land sacred, and hold the energy raised inside; until the energy is raised enough to be released. Three, when visualizing, you are envisioning a sphere or bubble. Not just a simple circle. To illustrate what I mean, I refer you to:

which I got at the following blog.


Its also, an excellent article! And I highly encourage you to read it.

So, how do you lay a compass. Well, this to depends on the Tradition or Crafter, in question. Some outline it with stones. Some use candles. Others use what is called, a witches cord, or sacred girdle. While other Crafters use one of the following (or many) chalk, herbs, ash from incense, a staff, stang, knife, even cheerios! I know, I know, this still doesn't tell you how to lay one. Well, I have found a video explaining how this particular Crafter, does this. Mind you, this is how he does this, and this is not by any means, the one and only way to lay one. But it does give you an idea.

As for me, I like to keep it simple. I take my chosen implement, and plow (or outline) the earth (or area). While doing this, I imagine a bubble or sphere above, around, and below me. There are words I say, sometimes. But these are personal, and I don't write them down. Because they come to me intuitively or from my heart. Until next time, I hope this has helped you.

Brightest Blessings!

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